$0.45Prices in CAD

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We know you like to get out there and have fun on your ATV or UTV and we know sometimes you like to push it a little to test the limits of your machine and your own stamina. With anything that is offroad oriented, there will be normal wear and tear and in the very unlikely event you lose a M20 Rivet, we’ve got you covered.

Colorado Components engineered the rivets to be easy to remove with a little extra pressure and the new rivets simply pop into place. First things first, wash your wheel(s) thoroughly. We recommend using a pair of clean needlenose pliers to remove the broken rivet. With a little force, the broken rivet will slide/pop out. Make sure the hole is clean from debris and then gently press the new rivet into place, then using a soft face object (small rubber mallet, hammer with towel wrapped around nose). Gently tap rivet into secure position.